Silikomart is a company situated near to Venice and specialises in the production of silicone moulds and tools for ice cream making, pastries and baking. They also have a range of edibles in the sub-brand i78. Silikomart is popular choice with ice-cream makers, bakers, pastry chefs due to their high quality and ease of use. We stock the Classic range of half sphere moulds also known as Semisfera moulds which can be used to create savoury or sweet Italian semifreddo dishes. The uses for these moulds are not limited to this as you can also make desserts and even bavarios cakes. Silikomarts range of Easy cream moulds are popular for making ice-creams or the popular cakesicle pops.
We stock various mixes from the i78 range which are free from, along with flavouring pastes and sugar paste.