Lustre Spray
Spray colours have been a vital part of the cake decorator’s toolbox for many years. They can provide stunning effects to all types of cake coverings including fondant icing, marzipan and buttercream.
Edible spray is the perfect solution to finishing decorations when a pearl or metallic effect is required. Adding small hints of gold or silver or giving large areas an iridescent pearl finish is easy with the variety of sprays that we stock at The Vanilla Valley.
PME have long been the leading supplier of edible lustres and we stock their full range of metallic and standard colours. Alongside them, we also supply all Colour Splash iridescent and metal effect products. Adding that extra touch of class to your cakes and cupcakes really is made simple with these fantastic edibles and we are pleased to offer you the complete selection.
Using edible lustre sprays could not be easier. Sprays can be used to decorate sugarpaste, marzipan and chocolate in the same way. Simply hold the can around 20cm from the surface on the cake or decoration and apply a light even coat. Additional layers can be added later once the first one has dried. Make sure to cover work surfaces before use.