Know your florist wire

Know your florist wire

15th Jun 2022

Know your florist wire

Floristry wire is used in floristry for binding flowers and creating elaborate arrangements like arches and wreaths, however it is also commonly used to make various decorations for embellishing cakes. More often it is used for making sugar flowers but it is also useful for sprays of any design. Our wires are sold in stub lengths which can be cut down to size with wire cutters to suit your needs.

How to use Florist Wire

Wires can be inserted into polystyrene flower buds for larger flowers, or directly into leaves or petals made from modelling paste or florist paste and taped together to make a full flower and floral sprays. Note that although an edible paste is used any decorations made like this should be considered non-edible, and that wires should not be inserted directly into a cake, instead place them inside a posy pick or flower pick. These are available in various sizes to accommodate different size bunches of wires.

Choosing the right Florist wire

Trying to choose the right wire at first can be confusing. You'll ask yourself, which wire gauge do I need? Or, likely even, what does a wire gauge mean?

Wire uses an imperial numbering system that relates to the diameter thickness of the wire, SWG, which stands for Standard Wire Gauge. We use just Gauge to describe the size. In the SWG system, the HIGHER the gauge number, the THINNER the wire. So, for example, 34 gauge wire is fine enough to use like thread, while 16 gauge wire is really thick and only just bendable by hand.

A general guide to different gauges of florist wire and what they are used for

30 gauge - for inserting into very fine, fairly small leaves.

26/28 gauge - for small, lightweight flowers and leaves

24 gauge - for small / medium size roses or other flowers, say, 1-1 ½” diameter max. Or for creating a fountain / explosion supporting shapes e.g. stars, hearts, letters, numbers etc.

22 gauge - For medium / large general flower use, similar to 24 gauge, but these are just a little stronger.

20 gauge - For larger flowers that need the support of a thicker wire, and to hold their position in a spray.

18 gauge - To hold very large, heavier flowers such as a full blown rose, calla lily, chrysanthemum etc. and which may be included in a spray of flowers and need to hold their shape.